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Our internal Italian B2C database has over 6 million contacts

更多 发布于:2024-04-30 16:46
This is because SMS Marketing has several advantages , including being the channel with the highest open rate of all: in fact, the open rate of SMS is close to 100% and the response rate is also very high. All SMS campaigns are based precisely on the fact that the user will certainly read the message and, if interested, can immediately contact the seller. Another very advantageous factor that characterizes SMS Marketing is the possibility of geolocalizing the sending up to the postcode of residence, making this tool decidedly aimed at conveying advertising with different objectives .

In this way you can use the Hungary WhatsApp Number List channel to generate lead generation, brand awareness, but also to physically bring people to the customer's store. Based on the objective, you choose the CTA to insert, in general there are three different types: Answer YES, very immediate for lead generation campaigns that involve contacting the user by telephone. Promotions are conveyed within the message and the user is encouraged to respond to receive more information; Click on the link, in this case a short link is inserted which will land the customer on a landing page, widely used to download coupons or drive traffic to a website; The latest is Drive-to-store, this type of text message invites the user to physically visit physical stores.

While our affiliate database exceeds 20 million contacts . This guarantees our affiliated SMS campaigns a very broad coverage and therefore, consequently, a greater possibility of achieving the customer's objective. In addition to having a very populous database, we guarantee that it is made up of always active numbers and updated personal details. Compared to other channels, in fact, it is much more difficult to change the telephone number than, for example, an email address. Now that we have understood the potential of the two separate channels, let's delve deeper into the advantage of SMS affiliate marketing .
